Gospel for Friday, February 14th: Mark 7:31-37
"He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak."
To really hear is more than just picking up the sounds around you.
I understand in our gospel we are talking about the miracle of curing someone's physiology, but I'm thinking beyond that, and the endless miracles that go far beyond this one off story and occur all around us all the time.
As we allow our God to guide us and we improve in our holiness, what we hear changes. How we speak changes.
Things that we used to prioritize become less important and we become more aware. We change.
Sure, the change isn't as obvious as the deaf man in this story, but in my mind the change is just as profound. Perhaps more.
The miracles Jesus performed gave him influence and supported the truth about who He was. In addition, they give us tangible examples and expressions about what He makes possible in the more important spiritual reality.
Being able to hear with our ears is one thing, and Jesus was able to cure that in the deaf man.
Being able to hear with our hearts and minds in a direct line to our souls is another thing. And that's not a one off. That's happening all day every day if we're open to it.
To really hear is more than just picking up the sounds around you.
I understand in our gospel we are talking about the miracle of curing someone's physiology, but I'm thinking beyond that, and the endless miracles that go far beyond this one off story and occur all around us all the time.
As we allow our God to guide us and we improve in our holiness, what we hear changes. How we speak changes.
Things that we used to prioritize become less important and we become more aware. We change.
Sure, the change isn't as obvious as the deaf man in this story, but in my mind the change is just as profound. Perhaps more.
The miracles Jesus performed gave him influence and supported the truth about who He was. In addition, they give us tangible examples and expressions about what He makes possible in the more important spiritual reality.
Being able to hear with our ears is one thing, and Jesus was able to cure that in the deaf man.
Being able to hear with our hearts and minds in a direct line to our souls is another thing. And that's not a one off. That's happening all day every day if we're open to it.